BTN (Bhutanese Ngultrum) to KHR (KHR) | Cryptex Currency Converter
BTN to KHR chart
1 BTN = 0 KHR
BTN currency pairs
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BTN - Bhutanese Ngultrum
The Bhutan Kingdom South Asian state currency. The Ngultrum exchange rate is pegged to the Indian rupee at 1:1 a ratio. In the international classifier, it has a digital code - 064, a symbol - Nu . Issued by the Royal Bhutan Monetary Authority.
More BTN information > KHR - Cambodian Riel
The domestic unit of payment of the state of Cambodia, located in Southeast Asia. It is circulated in the country along with the U.S. dollar. The digital designation in the international system ISO - 116, symbols - ៛ or R. The issue of currency is regulated by the National Bank of Cambodia.