BTN (Bhutanese Ngultrum) | Cryptex Currency Converter


Bhutanese Ngultrum
BTN - Bhutanese Ngultrum
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The Bhutanese ngultrum, BTN, is the official means of payment in the Kingdom of Bhutan, a state located in South Asia. The currency was introduced in 1974 and replaced the then accepted Bhutanese rupee. The BTN exchange rate is pegged to the Indian rupee exchange rate as 1:1. The issuer is the Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan.

How to exchange BTN?

Officially, the Bhutanese ngultrum is divided into 100 chetrum, but coins of 5 and 10 chetrum are hardly used. Coins of 50, 25, 20, 10, 5 chetrum and 1 ngultrum are in circulation, as well as money bills in denominations of 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 ngultrum.

BTN currency pairs

Below are all the currency pairs available for conversion with the main currency of your choice. In the “Exchange rate” column, you can compare its value when exchanging in different currency pairs. To convert, select your option and follow the link in the “Conversion” column.

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