KHR (Cambodian Riel) | Cryptex Currency Converter


Cambodian Riel
KHR - Cambodian Riel
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The Cambodian riel, KHR, is the currency of the Kingdom of Cambodia, a state in Southeast Asia. It was put into circulation on April 1, 1980 after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime and replaced the Cambodian franc used in the past. KHR is currently accepted in the country along with US dollars. The issuer of the currency is the National Bank of Cambodia.

How to change KHR?

Officially it is accepted to split the Cambodian franc into 100 sen, but coins of value less than 1 riel are out of circulation. The country has coins of 50 to 500 riels and banknotes worth up to 100,000 riels.

KHR currency pairs

Below are all the currency pairs available for conversion with the main currency of your choice. In the “Exchange rate” column, you can compare its value when exchanging in different currency pairs. To convert, select your option and follow the link in the “Conversion” column.

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