KRW (South Korean won) | Cryptex Currency Converter


South Korean won
KRW - South Korean won
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The South Korean won, KRW, is the monetary unit of the state of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), located on the Korean Peninsula. It was put into circulation on August 15, 1945, as a result of the division of the country of Korea into two parts after the Japanese occupation. It ranks 15th in the ranking of the most traded currencies in the world. The issuer is the Central Bank of the Republic of Korea.

How to change KRW?

The South Korean won can be divided into 100 won, but small coins are not used and calculations are allowed to round up to 10 won. In circulation there are coins worth from 1 to 500 won and money bills worth from 1,000 to 50,000 won.

KRW currency pairs

Below are all the currency pairs available for conversion with the main currency of your choice. In the “Exchange rate” column, you can compare its value when exchanging in different currency pairs. To convert, select your option and follow the link in the “Conversion” column.

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