KMF (Comorian Franc) | Cryptex Currency Converter


Comorian Franc
KMF - Comorian Franc
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The Comoros Franc, KMF is the national currency of the state of the Union of the Comoros Islands, located in the Indian Ocean. The Comoros franc was introduced in 1981, replacing the CFA franc. The exchange rate is pegged to the value of the euro as 491.96775 KMF : 1 EUR. The issuer and regulator is the Central Bank of Comoros.

How to change KMF?

Due to the strong depreciation in the country do not use currency less than 1 franc, although officially KMF can be divided into 100 centimes. In circulation are coins equivalent to 250, 100, 50, 25, 10 and 5 francs and paper bills up to 10,000 francs.

KMF currency pairs

Below are all the currency pairs available for conversion with the main currency of your choice. In the “Exchange rate” column, you can compare its value when exchanging in different currency pairs. To convert, select your option and follow the link in the “Conversion” column.

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