You can take a pilot course in Venezuela for bitcoins
26.04.2021 | auglovoi
Venezuela’s largest aviation training center, which graduates up to 90 percent of all professional staff in the country, announced that the first cryptocurrency will be accepted as payment. Oliver Laufer, the school’s CEO, also spoke about some preferences for those willing to pay in digital gold.
When paying with bitcoin, the applicant will be able to get a discount and a financial payment plan. In this way, the management intends to support the authorities’ desire to reform the country’s economy and financial system through innovation.
Although Venezuela was the first country to launch a national cryptocurrency called El Petro, bitcoin is also widespread in the country, both among companies and ordinary citizens. In doing so, it was Venezuelans who ranked second in terms of the volume of exchange transactions on direct transaction platforms.
The economic crisis, caused by sanctions pressure from developed countries, provoked the use of free cryptocurrencies in the country and their full acceptance by the authorities.